Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm here!!!!!

And I did it all on my own!!! (I wouldn't let them evict me!) Mommy's water broke at 2:36am and then her contractions started at 3am. At 3:45am she couldn't lay down through them anymore so got up and got in the shower. (Daddy was sleeping in the guest room because Mommy snored like a Mack truck). Daddy came in at 4:15 and Mommy said he needed to hurry up and get dressed...20 minutes she said. She was already ready to go, so when Daddy asked for some breakfast...Mommy went and made him a bagel with cream cheese. :) Silly parents! :) They got in the car at 5am...arrived at the hospital at 5:18am...and Mommy was already 6cm by 5:45am!!!! I was coming fast!!! Haha! At 7:30am Mommy said she needed to push and I popped out at 8:12am. Mommy and I didn't have any drugs, so I had my eyes wide open and I spent an hour or so just looking around...couldn't see much though. Dr. Belton did a great job and didn't drop me. :) Daddy cut my cord and all the nice nurses wrapped me up nice and tight and warm. Gram, Auntie Kirsten and Wanda were all there and held me...but Mommy got to hold me most. I got comfy blankies, but I like my new hat best!!!